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Introduction of indigenous people

Danil Mamyev
Altai Republic of the Russian Federation
Danil is from an ethnic group living around the Altai Mountains in Russia. The Altayan lead a nomadic life, raising horses and livestock. They have their own language, religion, music and legends, and a deep belief in the natural environment.
Danil is native to the area and has been working in the environmental field and indigenous issues for more than 30 years, involved in the protection of Uch-Enmek, an area with a concentration of Altai sacred sites, and in the recognition of natural parks. He has established an institution to disseminate traditional Altai knowledge and beliefs and has written numerous books on the subject. He is a leading Altai activist. He is committed to environmental and nature protection activities from an indigenous perspective, including the production of a film (“Standing on Sacred Ground”) to shed light on the problems of the indigenous people of Altai in Russia, as well as presiding over ceremonies on the land and serving as the guardian of the prayers.

Kumu Ehulani
Native Hawaiian/Hawaii
Native Hawaiians refer to people of Polynesian descent who have inhabited the Hawaiian Islands for thousands of years.
They have traditional dance, music, crafts, myths and legends. They excel in their own unique navigational skills based on constellations, which have facilitated cultural exchanges throughout the world.
Ehurani is called Kumu (classical Hula leaders), who protect their wisdom as descendants of the ancient Mu.
She is involved in the restoration of ancient temples in the sacred Waipio Valley with her students and participates in various national and international ceremonies and festivals to perpetuate and disseminate traditional Hawaiian culture. She studied hula and chanting under several kumu from various areas of Hawaiian Islands, including Uncle George Na’ope, and developed her own style incorporating all elements. She continues to give traditional hula lessons and train students in the jungles of her hometown of Puna. She has also been serving as an instructor at international hula conferences and a Royal Court dancer for many years.

The Waitaha of Maori tribe/New Zealand
The Waitaha people are a Polynesian people who left for the land of New Zealand over 3000 years ago and are said to have had a very advanced civilization.
Amelia takes on many roles, among which are a traditional healer, an activist for indigenous rights and the environment, a poet and dancer.
She is also a wonderful singer who vibrates the land and raises the spiritual vibrations.
She lives and works on the South Island of Aotearoa (Maori word for New Zealand), where she focuses on creating new communities in harmony with the global environment.
She envisions the revival of ancient Lemuria and has developed grassroots activities as a visionary. While preserving the wisdom and traditional music of indigenous peoples, she has been active through the media and mentoring young indigenous peoples, demonstrating leadership with a new sense.

Santos and Augustin (Father and Son)
The Q’ero is an indigenous people who, to escape from Spanish invaders, fled to the Andes mountains at altitudes of over 4200 m and have lived there for more than 500 years.
Their ancient prophecy speaks of an age of Pacha (Earth) kutek (reversal), a time of upheaval on the Earth that will take place soon.
According to them, when the era of chaos and disorder comes to an end, harmony will return to the world and the era of Earth People will return. The conquerors will destroy themselves and the Earth will regain its balance.
Q’ero have been living in isolation in the Andes mountains for a long time, protecting such wisdom of the Great Source. It took people by surprise when they suddenly appeared in capes with the emblem of the sun on them at the annual festival Qoyllur Rit’i (meaning the return of the Pleiades) at the foot of the Andes mountains. These were the people who had been described by the prophets as 'the last children of the sun'.
They continue to live their traditional lives in the Q’ero settlements in the high mountains, passing on Q’ero culture to the people as shamans.

Anup Kumar
Born in Bodhgaya, Bihar state. Bihar state is not inhabited by any particular ethnic group but is home to a large minority population in India.
Bodhgaya is the place where the Buddha attained enlightenment and is an important holy place both in Buddhism and in Hinduism.
Born into a low caste and living in poverty as a child, Anup entered Buddhism through an encounter with a Buddhis priest and travelled around the country and abroad for training. He acquired knowledge and experience through the training and returned to secular life at the age of 17. He awakened to the mission of providing educational opportunities for all children, regardless of caste or religion, and set up a primary school that anyone can attend at free of charges, including school meals and uniforms. To this date, more than 350 students have graduated from the school. He is working diligently in addressing the persistent economic disparities in the region.

Lynn Cirrotus Edmondson
Lynn produces and promotes Aboriginal people and other indigenous people’s artwork and music to the world, while preserving their wisdom and traditional culture. She has a particular focus on water and stone ceremonies for healing Mother Earth and the art that uses them.
Born and raised in the UK, she has Celtic family roots. She plays a role in networking indigenous peoples around the world.

Caleen Sisk and Pom Sisk (Mother and Son)
Winnemem Wintu Tribe/Shasta
Winnemem Wintu tribe lives in the base of Mount Shasta in California.
Legend has that they have originated from the foothills of Mount Shasta. They have been protecting the sanctuary of the McCloud River watershed since the beginning of mankind. Today, they focus their efforts on preserving the land from development, including the construction of dams, and protecting the salmon population within.
According to their legend, during the creation of living being, man lacked language. The salmons, as the first-born, were deeply intertwined with the mountains and waters. They made selfless offering to their Creator that they would give up having a voice so that they would be connected to everything and all lives. As a result, humans received the gift of voice, becoming the voice of the salmon that bridges life itself, protecting water and maintaining the harmony of the entire planet is the starting point of their activities.
Caleen is the current chief of the Winnemen Wintu tribe and Pom is her son.
They are not only respected within their tribe but are also leaders in the entire Native American Congress. In addition, they play an important role in bridging the divided society in the USA, with leading companies and researchers in Silicon Valley in California building a university to learn from their wisdom.
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